"Flowers", featuring the talented Atli Óskar Fjalarsson, is Grétar’s first short film post film school graduation. It's a light-hearted comedy that revolves around the theme of having the confidence to pursue one's desires.
Regie: Grétar Ice Jónsson
Produktion: Grétar Ice Jónsson
Cast: Atli Óskar Fjalarsson, Dagný Harðardóttir
Drehbuch: Grétar Ice Jónsson
Schnitt: Sigurður Kristinn Ómarsson
Grétar Ice Jónsson, an Icelandic filmmaker, graduated from the Icelandic Film School in 2018 as a director and producer. Immersed in production since, he's now returning to his original passion — creating and directing his own films.