Chūn Èr shí sān

Ein junger Mann, der gerade die Beerdigung seiner Eltern hinter sich gebracht hat, versucht, Feuerwerkskörper für das Frühlingsfest 2023 zu kaufen, wo Feuerwerkskörper verboten sind.


Produktionsjahr: 2023

Land: Frankreich

Sprache: Französisch

Länge: 13 Minuten

Regie: WANG Zhiyi

Produktion: WANG Zhiyi

Cast: XIE Weifa

Drehbuch: WANG Zhiyi

Kamera: WANG Zhiyi

Schnitt: WANG Zhiyi, ZHOU Jiahong


WANG Zhiyi

Whether it be the management of the pandemic or the prohibition of fireworks and firecrackers, it exemplifies the paternalistic nature of the authorities in our society. These matters both protect and encroach upon the interests of each individual, making it challenging to assess whether my personal stance is simply one of wholehearted endorsement or opposition. It's a nuanced issue; I believe most people indeed harbour complex emotions, albeit in varying proportions. With this in mind, my conscientious approach to creation involves refraining from chanting slogans or crudely thrusting forward conclusions. Instead, I strive to integrate reflection with observation, presenting this complexity with a sense of responsibility and leaving it to the audience to savour and interpret for themselves.